GOAL: Review the draft 3.0 documents and provide feedback to build a more complete document.
- Positive time at MC
- Focus on retention is important
- Time constraints when collaborating with faculty and staff. How to connect staff with the faculty’s initiatives for growth with time constraints?
- For the theme, learn through play. PLAY….
- How often we would stay with themes? A long term theme would be important vs. changing it every year or so.
- For retention-ask students what they plan to do, right away. Like what Carol Barr has done with retention. Unified experience with freshman seminar is working.
- Retention and outreach to non-Athlete and non-AR. Need programs and co-curricular that relate to our general students. Initiatives like the Markarian Colony and gaming; ultimate Frisbee that uniquely engage students could be a part of the community by design and growth
- Connect general education focused faculty so they can work on how they approach entrepreneurial faculty. This group could pilot a theme together.
- Organize our general eds on tracks around themes could allow faculty and student to engage in areas that interest and motivate them
- How can we engage the community to take classes were there is space?
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