GOAL: Review the draft 3.0 documents and provide feedback to build a more complete document. Focus on priorities.
- It will be important to communicate how the campus, particularly admissions, supports the academic growth process.
- Academic growth is the top priority. When we can get faculty excited about building something that attracts partners and students we can make progress to growth.
- We need to define and sell the entrepreneurial faculty.
- Create experiences that ensure success. Easy to sell. Connecting a common experience will be a good way to retain students.
- Work with students to define better living-learning expectations. Faculty and staff have resources to connect with students. Give faculty/staff resources to have them in their home. Money in admissions operating budget to connect with students.Move the “living learning” element of the community by design to the “residential vision” initiative.
- Job fair on a more national scale. Get one going on campus-career services.
- Figure out tuition revenue model. That initiative is independent of other initiatives and should be given priority. It is the baseline for how we care for students and generate resources to fund the college. Individual counseling with students to talk about loans, etc. Part of graduation check. We need to be able to advise students on debt, but are unable to because of legal issues—what if we tied the advise to a class. Bethany Seminar model.
- Continue to do research on where we are missing opportunity with majors. Depend on admissions to help us figure out areas that could benefit academic areas.
- Must start campus beautification committee or group to take care of easy to fix issues that detract from the appearance of campus. We need to treat our campus more like a home vs. a place we work.
- Can we include adding “mentors” for entrepreneurial faculty?
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