Goal: Share expectations for the next strategic plan and listen for ideas/feedback on the process and areas of focus.


  • Planning by community vs. committee seems like a reasonable process.
  • Work the process into structures that already exist—Division and department meetings. Not interested in adding one more thing to do and incorporating it into the existing structure would be a preferred process. Dedicate time in faculty meetings.
  • Listening tour by the president to collect broad-based feedback would be a process to consider. The campus’ minds can’t always be on strategic planning so listening and pulling together the ideas will be important.
  • Annual Strategic Memo similar to the “no frills” assessment would be a process to consider.
  • Student input will be important.
  • Alumni input by allowing them to share experiences and learn more about the college is recommended.
  • Town Hall meetings give an opportunity for broad-based input.
  • Information in the form of scholarly articles, research and best practices shared with the campus related to issues in higher education. Sharing this information will help give our work context.
  • Ideas related to the strategic plan could also be submitted via an electronic portal.
  • Share IPEDS based (annual) Longitudinal Key Performance Indicators on MC as well as aspirants—in addition sort through how aspirants achieved success.
  • Analyze programs at other schools and how our similar programs match up.
  • Cross-disciplinary discussion around the areas of focus will be important as others make valuable observations.

Areas of Focus: Growth, Entrepreneurial Faculty, Endowment and Facilities

  • Growth models need to be developed—limit student debt; future of residential campus; balancing liberal arts with professional studies while meeting the needs of students.
  • Balance identity and growth.
  • Balance faculty need for “free space” during growth phase.
  • Address faculty compensation and ability to attract faculty who are serious about our mission.
  • Finding ways to incorporate experiential learning and external partners to meet student and market needs will be important.
  • Global perspective is important—international experiences and students will add richness to the campus.
  • Common community theme across all disciplines—Examples included sustainability and social entrepreneurship.
  • Need to focus on retention and the increasing number of first-generation students.
  • Focus on endowment is important.
  • Evaluate and discuss the Facility Space Study done by Chip Parker in 2009.
  • Benchmarks and performance indicators will be important to track progress.